First Choir Performance

So far I've only watched the performances of the Bremen Cathedral Choir cause I'm a new member. But tomorrow I'll sing along in the worship / service. We'll sing a cantata by Johann Seb. Bach. It's the first time that I have a performance in a cathedral with a choir, therefore I'm very curious about how the acoustic will be! Of course I'm very nervous cause it's my first performance with this choir! This evening we have our last rehearsal before appearance tomorrow at 9 o'clock (german time).

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Aktuelle Beiträge

First Choir Performance
So far I've only watched the performances of the Bremen...
Chorsängerin - 3. September, 15:41
Erster Auftritt
Bisher habe ich nur bei den Auftritten des Domchores...
Chorsängerin - 3. September, 15:25
Deutsche Domchöre / German...
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Chorsängerin - 3. September, 15:06
Das Vorsingen
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Chorsängerin - 3. September, 14:47
The Audition
If you want to be a member in the Bremen Cathedral...
Chorsängerin - 30. Juni, 11:35





Online seit 4991 Tagen
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 3. September, 15:41


How I became a cathedral chorister
Wie ich Domsängerin wurde
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